Quality Policy

Quality Policy Statement 

The Quality Policy of Baseblue was written by the top management of the organisation and reflects its culture. The Quality Policy guides all employees to be committed to continually improving the effectiveness of the quality management system and provides the framework for establishing and reviewing the quality objectives of the organisation.

The Quality Policy is readily available, understandable by all in the organisation and reviewed for continual suitability. The management of Baseblue has the responsibility of defining and documenting the Baseblue quality policy and overall objectives ensuring that the documents are regularly reviewed for continuous suitability and improvement. It is the responsibility of each employee to comprehend and apply the Quality Procedures to his/her work area. The Quality Policy is available to external interested parties upon their official request.

The Quality Policy Statement of Baseblue is the following:

  • Baseblue strives to achieve total customer, stakeholder and other interested party satisfaction through precise delivery of quality bunkers and lubricants worldwide, through physical supply or through a network of vetted physical delivery partners.
  • Baseblue ensures through the framework of its quality manual that all its activities are executed as required the first time and every time so that the company provides exceptional service and delivers outstanding value for money.
  • Baseblue endeavours the provision of exceptional service and the achievement of customer satisfaction through a deep understanding of customer’s needs and expectations. The involvement of all staff is mandatory to record, analyze and act to exceed these expectations.
  • Baseblue team is committed to complying with the requirements of both the ISO 9001 quality system and Industry Standards such as IBIA guide to good commercial practice and IBIA Dispute Resolution Working Group, in order to continually work to improve its quality management system.

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Quality Policy

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